Mindblowing Mind Tricks You Can Use To Fool All Your Friends

1. Try this game: Ask people these questions, in this order: “What’s 1+1? What’s 2+2? What’s 4+4? What’s 8+8?” Then ask them to name a vegetable. They almost always say carrot.
2. When arguing with someone, act much calmer than them. This can cause them to say something particularly irrational which you can use against them.
3. Nodding your head while asking a question makes the other person more likely to agree with you.
4. When high-fiving, look at their elbow and you’ll never miss.
5. If you have a song stuck in your head that you can’t seem to get out, think of the end of the song and it should go away. This is due to something called the Zeigarnik effect, which is basically your mind having a problem with things left unfinished.
6. If you want to get your child to do something, say, drink milk, do what Tigerlily1510 says: “Ask your son if he wants milk and he’ll say no, but ask him if he wants milk in a blue cup or a red cup and he’ll choose a colour and drink his milk! Magic!”
7. Use silence to your advantage when negotiating. People have a natural tendency to be uncomfortable with silence, and will often do whatever it takes to break it. Just be patient.
8. If you want someone to believe your lie, add an embarrassing detail about yourself. For example: “Instead of saying, “No I wasn’t at Jimson James’ house. I was with Randy the whole time.” Try saying, “No I haven’t been to Jimsons’ in a while. I clogged his toilet so I don’t think his parents want me over there for a while… so me and Randy hung out.”

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