Powerful Mind Tricks for Handling Difficult Clients

Effective client management requires a keen understanding of psychological tactics. These can be used to sway the relationship in your favor -- not through disreputable methods, but by building trust, respect, and mutual understanding.
As the master of mind tricks Yoda would say: “A Jedi uses the Force for knowledge and defense, never for attack.”
If you want to improve your emotional intelligence and ability to handle even the most challenging clients, follow these mind-control tips.

1) Use the Non-Sale Approach

There’s nothing more off-putting than a pushy sales rep who allows his desire to make money overshadow the value of the service or product he is selling. Trying to sell too much too soon can scare a client into feeling pressured, rushed, and suckered into more than they are ready for.
On the contrary, a tactic used by many successful business people is often referred to as the “non-sale.” The general premise is to build a prospective client’s trust by pitching only the core service or product they need and recommending that they hold off on additional expenditures until they are ready.
The non-sale is an effective way to build early trust and show a prospect you have their best interest in mind. I know what you’re thinking. You’re paid on commission per sale and want to maximize each opportunity. Not to worry. Establishing long-term relationships built on trust will allow you take full advantage of future opportunities. Even better, clients who like and trust you will often upsell themselves.

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